Thursday, July 23, 2015

Traditional Bahraini Chicken Machboos

Menu arini Traditional Bahraini Chicken Machboos....ummi dah sampai bahrain....hubby n anak2 lum ada rezeki lagi....jadi arini ummi masakkan makanan tradisi org bahrain....

Bila anak2 tanya apa ummi masak arini, ummi jawab nasi bahrain, terus xcited n tak sabar nak makan. Masa dik tumis menumis tu diorg dah berkejar ke bawah...puji sedapnya bau.... Kejap2 datang dapur tanya dah boleh mkan ke belum....terus jadi lapar macam orang tak makan sepuluh purnama....alahai anak....sabar la yer....bau memang dah mengancam sebab banyak spices....rasa jap lagi kita rasa erkkk...

Sember resepi saya kali ni Jumpa resepi ni pun tak sengaja...dok google cari resepi minuman diorang terserempak dengan resepi ni dan terus berkenan.

Traditional Bahraini Chicken Machboos


4 1/2 cups Water (4 1/2 cwn air)
650 g basmati rIce (650 gm beras)
3 Tomatoes, quartered (3 biji tomato belah 4)
1 -1 1/2 kg Chicken (1 - 1 1/2 kg ayam)
3 Onions, finely chopped (3 biji bawang besar - cincang halus)
1/4 cup Coriander leaves, chopped (1/4 cawan hirisan daun ketumbar)
1 green hot pepper, as desired (1 biji cili padi @ ikut citarasa)
2 black dried Limes ( 2 biji limau kering @ loomy)
2 Teaspoons buharat spIce mix (2 sk bhaharat/mix spice)
1 1/2 Teaspoons Turmeric powder (1 1/2 sk serbuk kunyit)
1 Teaspoon cumin powder (1 sk serbuk jintan putih)
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon (1 sk serbuk kayu manis)
1 Teaspoon Cardamom powder (1 sk serbuk pelaga)
2 Garlic Cloves (2 ulas bawang putih)
1 slIce Ginger root, cut into small pieces (1 keping halia - hiris kecil)
3 tablespoons Butter (3 sb mentega)
1/4 cup Lemon juIce (1/4 cawan perahan lemon)
3 tablespoons rose Water (3 sk air mawar)
3 tablespoons Oil (3 sk minyak)
3 Teaspoons Salt (3 sk garam)

Traditional Bahraini Chicken Machboos Method / Tarika:

1.Cut the chicken in half. Heat the water and leave aside. In a small bowl, mix the buharat, turmeric, cumin, and cardamom together and add to the mixture one teaspoon of salt. Sprinkle half of the spice mixture on the chicken halves. 

Potong dua/empat ayam. Panaskan air dan ketepikan. Dalam mangkuk satukan 1 sk garam, kunyit, jintan, pelaga. Lumur 1/2 bahan campuran ni pada ayam. 

2.Heat oil in a large cooking pan, fry the onions until golden brown, then add to the pepper and the black limes - you MUST make a hole in each limes. 

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumis bawang hingga perang. Masukkan cili dan limau kering yg telah dicucuk.

3.Add the chicken to the onion mixture and turn it over a few times in the pan. Sprinkle on the chicken a teaspoon of cinnamon and the rest of the mixed spices. Turn the contents all together so the chicken is coated with the spices, cover the pan and let it cook on medium heat for 3 minutes. 

Masukkan ayam dan balik2kan sesekali. Masukkan 1 sk serbuk kulit kayu manis dan baki rempah campuran tadi. Balik2kan ayam supaya semua rempah sebati dengan ayam. Tutup kuali selama 3 minit dan masak guna api sederhana.

4.Add the garlic, chopped ginger, and tomato cubes to the pan and turn the ingredients in the pan a few times. Cover again for 3 minutes on medium heat. Sprinkle with the rest of the salt and pour on it water while its still hot. 

Tambah bawang putih dan halia serta tomato dan gaul rata. Tutup kuali dan masak lagi selama 3 minit. Tuang air yg di panaskan tadi dan baki garam.

5.Cover the pan and let it cook for about 1 hour, or until the chicken is cooked. Add the copped coriander 5 minutes before you remove the chicken from the stock in the pan. While the chicken is cooking, wash the rice well and soak for 10 minutes in cold water, then drain. 

Tutup kuali dan biarkan ayam masak. 5 minit sebelum keluarkan ayam, masukkan daun ketumbar. Sementara itu basuh dan  rendam beras selama 30 minit (ikut jenis beras - saya guna pusa dan biasanya rendam 30 minit)

6.Remove the chicken from the pan and put on an oven tray, brush with some oil and sprinkle with the rest of the cinnamon powder and grill in the oven until the chicken is golden brown.

Keluarkan ayam dari stok dan susun atas dulang. Sapukzn minyak dan tabur baki serbuk kayu manis. Bakar dalam oven hingga ayam garing dan keperangan.

7.Add the rice to the chicken stock, stir, then let it cook on low heat until the rice absorbs the stock and is almost done. 

Saya sukat stok ikut sukatan 1 cawan beras : 1 1/4 cawan cecair dan masak nasi dlm periuk. Dan masak hingga hampir kering.

8.Sprinkle rose water and lemon juice over the rice and place the butter pieces on the top. Cover the pan and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. 

Renjiskan air mawar,  lemon dan mentega. Tutup periuk, kecilkan api dan biar nasi masak sepenuhnya.

9.Serve the rice on a large serving plate and place the grilled chicken halves on the top. 

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