Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dream of cream puff pastry (sonho de creme)

Teringin plak nak makan. Dia punya filling tu lain sikit...pastu pastry dia goreng jer.
Satu bancuhan ni banyak tau...jadi saya halfkan jer resepi ni...pastu untuk filing saya tambah tepung jagung supaya kurang skit manis dia.

1/2 tin susu pekat manis
1 biji kuning telur
1/2 sb mentega
1/2 st esen vanila
2 st lemon juice (saya malas nak potong lemon jadi saya ganti dengan sunquick oren - kalau ada yg lemon tu pun ok gak)
2 st tepung jagung + 2 sb air

Satukan semua bahan hingga sebati. Masak atas dapur dengan api sederhana sehingga pekat. Kacau selalu supaya tak hangit.

Untuk doh

3 cawan tepung gandum
1/2 cawan mentega
3/4 cawan susu segar suam
1 paket 11g yis
1 sb gula
1 biji kuning telur

Bahan2 lain

minyak untuk menggoreng
gula ising + serbuk kulit kayu manis (optional) untuk salut + tabur

Satukan semua bahan dan uli hingga sebati dan adunan tak melekat di tangan serta mudah dibentuk.
Bulat2kan doh ikut saiz yang diingini. Susun dalam dulang dan jarak2kan doh untuk beri ruang doh mengembang. Tutup dengan tuala lembab.
Rehatkan selama 1 hingga 2 jam.
Goreng (deep fry) hingga keperangan. Toskan dan biarkan hingga suam2 skit. Potong bebola cream puff jangan sampai terbelah terus. Masukkan inti susun dalam pinggan dan taburkan gula ising + serbuk kayu manis jika suka...

Resepi asal

Dream of Cream Puff Pastry (Sonho de Creme)
Recipe from
For the filling:

1 can of sweet condensed milk
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon butter unsalted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons lemon juice

For the dough:
1 oz. yeast for bread
2 tablespoons sugar
1.5 cups warm milk
1 cup butter
2 egg yolks
1 pinch of salt
6 cups of flour

2 cups sugar for covering
2 tablespoons cinnamon powder for covering
Vegetable oil for frying

For the filling:
1) In a saucepan mix the milk, egg yolks and butter.
2) Bring to a low heat for about 10 minutes until a smooth and creamy consistency.
3) Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla essence and lemon juice. Stir well until it is smooth and consistent. Set it aside in a bowl.
For the dough:
1) In a bowl, dissolve the yeast and sugar in milk.
2) Combine all ingredients except flour and mix well adding the flour gradually until the dough is easily shaped and kneaded.
3) Form medium sized balls and let them rest on a board sprinkled with flour.
4) Cover with a cloth and let it rise for about 1-2 hours.
5) Fry the balls until they are golden browned. Turn them over as they fry.
6) place them on a platter with paper towels to dry.
7) After they have cooled slightly, cut them in half without dividing them completely.
8) Fill them with the previously prepared cream and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Serve.

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